23301 NE Redmond-Fall City Rd, Redmond, WA 98053
(206) 612-6878

Turn off of the Redmond Fall City Road, 202 E at the second driveway past mile marker #12 on the right hand side of the road. (The first driveway is gated.)
The address, 23301 is on one of the mailboxes at the driveway. A landmark is the storage facility on the opposite side of the road. When you turn off onto the drive you will see a sign reading “Longhouse”. Follow road to the left, winding around to the right all the way down to a long brown building with parking across the front. Park your car and come in the first set of double doors to the pool area. I’ll be looking for you. If you have any trouble finding the location call me at 206–612–6878. Look forward to seeing you soon!
All you need to bring to your session is a swimsuit, towel, and water. The facility has indoor and outdoor showers.